Sunday, October 19, 2008

Buddhist Event in Melaka - KATINA

Today, I went to a temple in Asahan Hill, Melaka to attend an event called the KATINA ceremony. The trip was organized by INTI Buddhist Society, and who else if not MR.SIN HSUEN MING the president of BS lead us. KATINA is a Theravada Buddhist ceremony where the Buddha's disciples offer the robes to the sangha.

It was really a great experince for me as this was my first time to participate in a Theravada event. What I can summarize here is that, I personnally think the sangha that I offer is the best master I ever met. He is a monk from Malaysia but had been spreading the Buhhda's teaching in Sydney, Australia all this while. We were so fornunate to see him in this KATINA ceremony as he only came back to Malaysia once a year. What make me admire him the most is his sporting characteristic and the way he delivered the Buddha Dharma. Can you imagine, a dhrama master talking about what is happniness in life through giving example of teenagers having boyfriend or girlfriend and having dancing party in college?? Haha.. Just unbelievable!!!

These were a few things that I had learnt from this great master. According to him the key of success is through merits and virtues which I think is very true. Moreover, he said that knowledge and wisdom are two different things as knowlege is from the thing you know but wisdom is how clever are you to made yourself happy and how much you personnally know about your ownselves. Deep rite?? But if you really sit down and think properly you will get what he really means.

Here is some photos to share with everyone of you:
A group of young Buddha's deciples who are ready to offer..
The sangha 'chit chat' with us before we offer the robe. :p
Hehe... ME offering the robe to the sangha that I admired.
金塔里面藏着释迦摩尼佛的石粒子。 The so called SENIORs in Buddhist Society.
Group photo of participants.

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